Natalie lost her first tooth. She had been playing with it for weeks and was elated when she bit into a California Roll (don’t ask me what was hard enough in a California Roll to jar it loose) and it finally came out. This episode couldn’t have been more different to our experience with Maxwell. When his teeth showed even the least bit of movement, Max would literally rip the tooth out of his gums. Last summer he ripped one out in a NYC taxi on our way to the Natural History Museum.
There was talk for weeks about how much money she was going to get from the tooth fairy. When it came time to put the tooth under the pillow that night she went into hysterics saying that she didn’t want the tooth fairy to “steal” her tooth. While I was trying to calm her down, Maxwell came in to try to help. He told her that he got $5 for his first tooth and as he was convincing her to put the tooth under her pillow, he looked over her and winked at me.
I don’t know if he winked at me to tell me that the jig is up, that he in fact knows that Paul and I are the tooth fairy or if the wink meant that he hoped that our passionate discussion of the subject was calming Natalie down. In the end, neither of us could get her to put the tooth under her pillow.
Just before she fell asleep she asked me to put the tooth in my jewelry box to hide it and to write a note to the tooth fairy. She asked me to communicate that she did in fact lose a tooth, preferred not to give it away and asked that the tooth fairy still give her money for it since it is her first tooth. Natalie should definitely consider becoming a lawyer.
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