I have spent the last month comparison shopping my regular grocery store against Whole Foods Market. I’m sure you can guess the biggest difference. I was spending, at minimum, 40% more on whatever I bought, whether it was milk, meat, fruit, snack foods or juices. After watching Food, Inc. the movie and reading news reports about the dangers of processed food additives, hormones, antibiotics, nitrates, partially hydrogenated oils, enriched flours, high fructose corn syrup and all the rest, I was anxious to see if I could commit to buying all organic, fair trade and sustainable food.
Not surprisingly, people that work at Whole Foods, similar to those that work at Trader Joe’s in California, are helpful, conscientious and seem genuinely happy to be working there. Whether at the meat, seafood or deli counter, they are articulate, enthusiastic and good natured. They know their products and can recommend a good cheese from a sea of cheeses and a good wine from the hundreds they carry. They don’t sigh and roll their eyes when I take out my reusable bags (at every other grocery store, they look at me like I’ve just place a naked baby on the conveyor belt). On the contrary, they are elated at the end of my order to deduct the nickel a bag that I get for bringing my own bags into their store, whether or not it carries their logo. The store is also clean, well-organized and has the best hot food bar I’ve ever seen. I’ve been happy with every item I’ve brought home.
So, the question is whether my wallet can sustain a 40% increase in price for the long haul. With a family of six that goes through a gallon of milk every couple of days, I worry that attempting to sustain this change any longer, we’ll have to cancel our summer vacation plans. I’m guessing I’ll have to modify my shopping to buy only the most essential items to keep my family healthy. If anyone has any tips on how to make this transition any easier, let me know.
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