There is one irrefutable fact about my family. We are all loud sneezers. No lie, when my dad sneezes in the car, the windows rattle and your eardrums bleed a little. I’m no better, and neither are my brothers. One day we might give someone that we’re walking up behind a heart attack. Paul says he’s not a loud sneezer but he’s in denial.
You never know what traits your kids will pick up. Max has allergies, the loud sneezing thing and is a bit of a worrier like me. Yesterday, I found out that he picked up another trait from me. Maxwell was sent home yesterday with a migraine headache! The nurse said he complained of a headache, was sensitive to the fluorescent lights in her office and then got nauseated and threw up. When he got home, he curled up in the fetal position in his bedroom, covered his head with a pillow and fell asleep.
I feel awful that in the spin of the genetic wheel Max got such a bum deal. Paul doesn’t have allergies, doesn’t get migraines and never worries about anything until he “sees blood.” I hope this thing was an anomaly and not the beginning of my son having to deal with recurring migraines. I once got a migraine when I was 7 months pregnant with the twins that felt like someone drove a railroad spike down the center of my head and then took an electrical wire and electrocuted the spike.
I just hope that Paul’s genes are just dormant and waiting until after Max’s 9th birthday to kick in. I’m OK with the loud sneezing but the migraines have to go.
B, loved reading this. Is it every 7 years that our body chemistry changes? Wishing you all well. xoxox