The Giving Tree was the first book I bought for Max. It’s pretty ratty now from being passed down from child to child after being chewed, ripped, stained and read a gazillion times. We sat out on the porch the other night and had Max read the book to Paulina, Aidan and Natalie. When Max finished the story, I asked the kids what they thought the story meant.
Paulina continued playing with the Citronella candle on the table. Aidan was busy trying to launch himself from Paul’s lap. Natalie seemed to be paying attention but didn’t really offer an answer. Max said, “It’s about a tree that loved a boy.” I then asked, “In the end, do you really think the tree was happy?” They both nodded.
Paul looked up from trying to hold on to Aidan and said, “Why would the tree be happy? That boy never did a freakin’ thing for that tree. Not even give it water!” Max looked up and said, “That’s true.” Paul continued, “That tree gave and gave until it was a shriveled up trunk and still the boy came looking for something. Kids, unless you are willing to give back, don’t go around asking for favors. And, please don’t wait 20 years to do it. Look at the picture of that guy. He waited like 20 years every time to go visit that tree. The story should be renamed The Taking Boy.”
I’ve never quite seen The Giving Tree from that perspective, but it certainly puts a new spin on it.
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