For whatever reason, my husband thinks traveling for business is glamorous. His fallacy consists of expensive dinners, bottomless drinks, posh hotel rooms, sleeping in and of course, lots of time to see the sights. For anyone that does travel for business you know that this could not be further from than the truth.
The reality is that business travel is the opposite of glamorous; schlepping from airport to hotel to endless meetings, getting in taxis with mildly insane drivers, bad hotel food, even worse airplane food, living out of a suitcase (for the ironing impaired, it’s tragic!) and did I mention the bed bugs?
In the last year, I have heard first hand accounts (not the garden variety urban legend from a friends of a friend’s cousin) of colleagues and friends coming home with the gift that keeps on giving, bed bugs! These nasty little creatures suck on your blood in the middle of the night leaving nasty bumps and on top of that, can hitch a ride on your clothing or your suitcase and come home with you only to infest nearly anything in your home with legions of its offspring.
Yes, my friends, business travel is the least glamorous thing in the world. Heap on top of all of this a healthy portion of mommy guilt and you will understand why during moments of weakness, I am compelled to buy guilt gifts like San Antonio Longhorn Caramel Pecan Cow Patties.
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