I am so desperately guilty for being away in Las Vegas for three days for work that I actually bought the twins Wynn stuffed animals from the hotel gift shop last night. That’s right, I bought them $13 tchotchke that are probably produced with all kinds of allergy inducing stuff inside because nothing says love more than casino logoed stuffed animals.
While I’ve tried very hard the last few months to stop buying guilt gifts, I can’t seem to break my compulsive need to make my kids know undoubtedly that they are always on my mind, no matter where I am. It’s gotten so bad that on one trip when I was pressed for time, I actually saved food from my Southwest Airlines snack box and convinced them that cheese & crackers, a box of raisins, Lorna Doone cookies and a Slim Jim were thoughtful “presents.” I felt no pain when I did it but upon reflection it demonstrates a sickness that I must remedy and soon.
Being a working mom and Catholic is the perfect storm of mommy guilt. As a Catholic, the feeling of guilt is as normal as breathing in air. As a working mom, you can tell yourself every minute of every day that you can and are doing what is best for the family, but the first time you miss a spring concert or a “Bring Someone You Love” dance for your kindergartener, you may as well stab yourself in the heart with the nearest letter opener.
My children have become so used to me bringing them things, they are rummaging through my bags before they have even said hello. This madness must end. I remain determined to break this cycle! No more moose poop candy from Minneapolis, corn-shaped bubble gum from Omaha, pencil sharpeners shaped like the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco or spiral straw and cup contraptions from various airports across the U.S. It will be interesting to see if on my next trip to Phoenix I can resist buying them the cactus shaped gummy candy I brought back last time.
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