Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kanye Hates on…Reading!

I admit that reading a little salacious dirt about a celebrity feud can be extremely entertaining. Who doesn’t get a little smug satisfaction about how above it we all are when you read about Rosie versus that blonde twit from The View, Lindsay Lohan versus Hillary Duff over some ex-Backstreet boy’s brother and most recently Nick Cannon versus Eminem over Mariah Carey. But, the latest feud is so off-the-charts stupid, I can barely believe I’m blogging about it.

Kanye West is simultaneously hawking his first book while also promoting the fact that he’s a “proud non-reader.” What an idiot! Hating on books? Unbelievable! Now, now, I know that I’ve said in past blogs that we should not judge but what the hell? The man makes money making music which implies that he knows how to play music, thus being able to read notes, and write lyrics, ergo he seemingly can write words. How else do you learn how to do these things you jackass?

He went on to say that authors that write novels are “self-absorbed,” (seriously?) and that “I’m not a fan of books. I would never want a book’s autograph.” Hello! Has the man in the plastic 80’s sunglasses become so delusional that he now thinks books have grown appendages?

How ironic is it that Kanye’s late mother was a professor and the chairwoman of the Chicago State University English Department? She was also head of The Kanye West Foundation that was founded in 2005 to combat the drop out problem in high school. Kanye, a little newsflash, it’s easier for a high school student to graduate if they can actually read!

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