Friday, May 15, 2009

Only Douche Bags Cheat on their Wives

I discovered today that my husband and Elizabeth Edwards have a very big thing in common. If you asked my husband his thoughts on infidelity he would say, “It’s a douche bag move to cheat on your wife. You should leave her if you want to bone someone else.” (Charming, I know, but you can never take Jersey out of the boy). After reading at least a dozen articles about Elizabeth Edward’s brave new book, Resilience, it pains me to know that she point blank asked her husband to leave her before he ever humiliated her with an indiscretion as painful as infidelity. Yet, he could not keep it in his pants and do the right thing.

Before the Barack Obama train came to town, I actually thought that John Edwards was going to be my presidential candidate of choice. He seemed to be everything you would want in a president, charismatic, educated, compassionate about the poor and disenfranchised and a loving father. He may still be all of these things but he truly is a douche bag for cheating on his wife, and even more so because he responded to the lamest come-on in the history of the world, “You are so hot!” (cue the gagging noises).

You know who else are douche bags? The women “journalists” who are hating on Elizabeth Edwards for staying with her husband. I’d like nothing more for one of them to walk in her shoes for a day, survive cancer, bury a child, raise young children and try to forgive someone you love. I double dog dare you disgusting cretins to even try two! As a mother of four, the loss of a child would potentially push me so far over the edge, if my husband was Attila the Hun, I would be clinging to his leg for dear life. Don’t get me wrong, do I think that all women should stay with their good for nothing cheating husbands? Absolutely not. But, who are we to judge her choices?

There is far too much judgment in the world. I’d like to believe the douche bags of the world will get theirs, with or without our judgment.

1 comment:

  1. AGREED. WELL SAID! As someone that had to deal with that cannot judge unless you 'walk a mile in her shoes'. We have experiences that provide a foundation for our own personal decision making process. Did you see her on Jon Stewart? She held out pretty well considering he's usually unstoppable!


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